Christ The King Lutheran is blessed with MANY faithful members and volunteers. These faithful lead and participate in numerous ministries at Christ The King. Click on the BUTTON below to read about ALL of our ministries in the “Volunteer Ministry Handbook”, or for a quick look at some of our ministries, click on the group name below.

Ministries - Quick Look

Advent by Candlelight is  woman’s social event where the women gather around decorated tables to enjoy fellowship with friends, dessert, Christmas music, and a speaker or presentation with a Christian Christmas message. It is designed for members to invite their unchurched friends to experience a warm, beautiful evening with a Christian message.

Children’s HopeChest ia a long-term mission ministry that Christ The King Lutheran and Bethlehem Lutheran Church, in Lakeland, CO are partnering in. The start of this new ministry was April 28, 2024.

Click HERE for more information.

ChristNet is an outside organization that provides temporary overnight emergency housing assistance and other services to homeless men, women, and children. They provide a safe secure sleeping space indoors; offering three meals per day; and by maintaining a case manager who identifies and coordinates mainstream resources to help those in need restabilize their lives. ChristNet promotes cooperation among churches and non-profit organizations as we strive to assist our brothers and sisters in God’s family.
CTK’s is a host for one week a year, typically in January. We have volunteer groups that prepare 35 meals for those sheltering during our week.
The last few years w have also filled Care Package Backpacks that contain the basic necessities, personal clothing items, thermals and spiritual encouragement!
Any questions?  Please contact Jen Gepes, 734.775.1972,

The Family Connection Ministry is for families of all ages and sizes! We meet monthly. Each month the topic or event theme my vary, but usually includes family worship, prayer time, activities and crafts! Contact Katie Holzer, Courtney Pomroy, or Jackie Brooks with any questions. Click HERE to go to the Family Ministries Facebook page.

The volunteer food pantry at Christ The King is located at 16700 Pennsylvania Rd., Southgate, MI.  Stay on the main entry road to the right until you see the first building on the right.  This is the Administration building #12.  Follow the signs to the Food Pantry.

CTK Food Pantry is open Thursdays from 3:00-3:45 with a drive-thru system at Pennsylvania Rd. campus. Please let anyone you know who is in need. All are welcome! 

Please bring a valid ID with you.

Our mission, as a church, is to provide food for those in need, following Jesus’ command to love our neighbor. The food pantry is stocked by offerings from the members and special gifts of money and food throughout the year.  For more information regarding the food pantry you can call 734-285-9695.

The GriefShare Ministry provides outreach to those who have lost loved ones. It is typically a 13 week, Bible based program. It is available to members and non-members of CTK. The goal is to help the grieving through their pain and loss and to offer comfort, encouragement and caring during this difficult time. Please contact Teresa Samson at 734-282-8012 or e-mail her at for more information or to answer any questions.

Christ The King is blessed to worship with many varieties of music.  Each weekend brings a different and praise-filled experience.  Worship music can be through Chancel Choir, children’s choirs, instrumental ensembles, hand bells, women’s and men’s ensembles, school band, and praise bands. For more information or to be a part of our music ministries, email Tim Bode, Minister of Music at

Click HERE to go to the Music Ministry Page 

CTK Music Staff and Leaders

CTK Musicians Facebook Page 

As you know prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s lives. We should follow Christ’s command and example to pray for others as well as on behalf of others, who may not feel comfortable praying. Prayer at Christ The King is:

  • Active daily in the day school, through the monthly phone ministry, during weekly worship and should be daily in our personal lives.
  • We offer additional group prayer on Wednesdays. Contact Carol Cashmer for time & location.
  • Wednesdays also offer two other prayer time choices: Men’s Bible study is at Pennsylvania Rd at 8:00 am and Women’s Bible Study at Pennsylvania Rd. at 9:00 am.
  • Our 22 hr. Prayer Vigil takes place on Good Friday from 8:00 pm through Holy Saturday, ending at 5:00 pm.

While you experience the joy of helping others through prayer, your faith is strengthened as you see how the hand of God works to answer prayer.

The Resale Station is open on Thursdays 12:00-2:00PM and Saturdays 10:00-12:00PM for shopping. Donations are being accepted. DO NOT BRING: furniture, appliances, electronics, big outside machinery, exercise/sports equipment and bicycles. Donations can be dropped off at Bldg. #9 under the overhang on the picnic tables.

FaceBook Link – CTK Donarion & Resale Station

The Resale Station is located at 16700 Pennsylvania Rd., Southgate, 

The Spiritual Care Ministry at Christ The King focuses on people in the congregation, or those who are connected to the congregation, who have become hospitalized, are confined to either their home or a nursing facility, and also those who may be in a rehabilitation facility recovering from surgery. Please contact the church office if you or a family member or friend is in need of a Spiritual Care visit.  The visit can be a phone call or in person to bring a devotion, prayer and Holy Communion if requested.

If you feel that you might have the spiritual gifts to become involved in being a Spiritual Care Elder and are interested in finding out more information about this wonderful ministry, please contact Harry Dutka.

For Prayer and scheduling visits, contact the following:

Harry Dutka at    734-285-9695  Ext. 150

Jessica Bourassa at                            Ext. 100

Lisa Demou at                                             Ext. 210

If you or someone you know is in need of confidential support for substance abuse, Christ The King offers a safe environment for you to meet.  We currently house support groups for Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

  • The Narcotics Anonymous group meet Friday Evenings, 7:00-9:30 PM, at PA Campus in the Fellowship Building Atrium. (167oo Pennsylvania Rd. – Once inside the driveway, follow the road to the right and around the curve, then turn left into the first driveway.  Doors are located by the flagpole.)
  • The Alcoholics Anonymous group meet Saturday Evenings from 8:00 – 9:00 PM at 15600 Trenton Rd. in the West Gallery (Please use the West door, go through the gym and go to the West Gallery.)

Christ The King could not function without our valuable volunteers.  Volunteers can help with everything from spiritual care ministries, music, children’s ministries and events, volunteering outdoors, Donation Station helpers, office help and so much more.  All of this behind the scenes giving of time is spiritually fulfilling.  The talents the Lord has blessed YOU with can be used to help others in YOUR church.

The Every Member in Ministry list (EMIM) is available starting in October in preparation for November’s Stewardship Month. Use the “Volunteer Handbook”, located at the top of the page, for a more detailed description of where you can serve.

For more information, contact Lisa Demou, Volunteer Ministries Director, at

Christ The King is excited to spend time and share God’s Word with our Middle and High School Youth.  

Please contact our leader, Gina Davidson, at for more information.

Follow us on Facebook (@ctkhsyouth). Please watch your bulletin regarding the schedule.